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Exam Code: HP3-C33
Exam Name: HP HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Series Printer HP3-C33
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Updated: 2013-09-01
Using IT-Tests.com you can pass the HP HP3-C33 exam easily. The first time you try to participate in HP HP3-C33 exam, selecting IT-Tests's HP HP3-C33 training tools and downloading HP HP3-C33 practice questions and answers will increase your confidence of passing the exam and will effectively help you pass the exam. Other online websites also provide training tools about HP certification HP3-C33 exam, but the quality of our products is very good. Our practice questions and answers have high accuracy. Our training materials have wide coverage of the content of the examination and constantly update and compile. IT-Tests.com can provide you with a very high accuracy of exam preparation. Selecting IT-Tests.com can save you a lot of time, so that you can get the HP HP3-C33 certification earlier to allow you to become a HP IT professionals.
HP3-C33 (HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Series Printer) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP3-C33.html
NO.1 The front and right-side door tab actuators o( the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Series
Printer provide a device safety feature that cuts power to certain components What are those
components? (Select two)
A. Formatter
B. Lasers
C. Low-voltage power supply
E. Motors
Answer: B,E
HP original questions HP3-C33 exam HP3-C33 HP3-C33 study guide
NO.2 What are some advantages of the new HICUP/SO engine design compared to previous printers?
(Select two.)
A. The fuser is closer to the print cartridges for effective toner fusing.
B. Print cartridges remain cooler, reducing print-quality issues.
C. Laser/scanners block fuser heat to protect ITB surface.
D. The paper path exit is further from the fuser, reducing the number of paper exit jams.
E. The height of the engine is reduced to maximize use of internal space.
Answer: A,E
HP practice test HP3-C33 HP3-C33 braindump
NO.3 Which statement is true about the HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Series Printer HP High
Performance Secure Hard Disk?
A. The encrypted hard disk contents are deleted if a device Cold Reset is performed.
B. The encrypted hard disk is physically locked to the device using a Drive Lock Key.
C. The encrypted disk contents become unreadable if the disk is removed from the device.
D. The encrypted hard disk must only be installed by a qualified HP service technician
Answer: B
HP HP3-C33 questions HP3-C33 HP3-C33
Reference:http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c01570023 /c0
1570023.pdf(page 4, first para)
NO.4 The HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CP5520 Series Printer uses an intermediate transfer belt (ITB).
What is one difference between ITB technology and electrostatic transfer belt (ETB) technology?
A. An, and an ITB transfers the image directly to the media.
B. ITB technology runs media along the length of the ITB during image transfer while ETB
technology utilizes a secondary transfer roller at the edge of the ETB during image transfer.
C. An ITB uses primary transfer rollers to transfer the image from each OPC (image drum) to the ITB,
and an ETB transfers the image directly to the media.
D. ITB technology uses a cleaning blade and toner collection unit for ITB belt cleaning, and ETB
technology uses only a residual toner feed unit for ETB belt cleaning
Answer: A
HP HP3-C33 HP3-C33 HP3-C33 HP3-C33
NO.5 When are the Protective Glass Cleaners (PGCs) used by the device?
A. During engine calibration
B. After a fuser wrap jam is cleared from the device
C. After the ITB cleaning blade removes residual toner from the belt
D. Each time a page is printed
Answer: C
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