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Exam Code: HP2-K32
Exam Name: HP Selling HP SMB Storage Exam HP2-K32
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Updated: 2013-09-01
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HP2-K32 (Selling HP SMB Storage Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What is the major difference between block based and file based data?
A. File based data is typically unstructured.
B. File based data is typically found in a database.
C. Block based data is typically stored on a network-attached appliance.
D. Block based data is typically generated by rich media applications.
Answer: A
HP test questions HP2-K32 original questions HP2-K32 test questions HP2-K32 HP2-K32 braindump
NO.2 Your midmarket customer wants to develop a private cloud solution. Which HP Storage
product will be best suited to that requirement?
A. HP StoreVirtual VSA
B. HP StoreVirtual 4500
C. HP 3PARStoreServ7000
D. HP StoreOnce
Answer: C
HP exam simulations HP2-K32 HP2-K32 certification training HP2-K32 HP2-K32 original questions
NO.3 Your SMB customer has spare server capacity and wants to implement shared storage for a
virtual environment. Which product would you recommend?
A. HP MSA 2000
B. HP StoreVirtual 4000
C. HP StoreVirtual VSA
D. HP 3PARStoreServ7000
Answer: C
HP HP2-K32 HP2-K32 HP2-K32 questions HP2-K32
NO.4 How does utilizing HP StoreOnce for backup enable the use of low bandwidth links?
A. only the files that have changed need to be transferred
B. only the data blocks that have changed are transferred
C. backups do not need to be performed so frequently
D. backups are performed during non-business hours
Answer: B
HP exam HP2-K32 original questions HP2-K32 exam dumps
NO.5 Which requirements would prevent you from offering the HP 3PAR StoreServ product to a
A. The customer needs to have thin provisioning.
B. The customer has a VMware vSphere environment.
C. The customer has a need for BC/DR capability.
D. The customer specifically requires VMware vMSC cluster support.
Answer: C
HP original questions HP2-K32 HP2-K32 HP2-K32 original questions HP2-K32
NO.6 How does Exchange 2010/ 2013 enable the use of virtualized environments?
A. It allows comprehensive e-discovery against all emails stored in the Exchange archives.
B. It provides automated deduplication to reduce the size of stored files.
C. It enables IT to reuse unallocated disk space and host all mailboxes on local servers.
D. It places less demands on storage, thus enabling the use of SAN storage architectures.
Answer: D
HP exam prep HP2-K32 HP2-K32 pdf HP2-K32 HP2-K32
NO.7 HP StoreEasy is Efficient and Highly Available and provides many other features. Which
additional feature is regarded as key for your customers?
A. Easy Integration
B. Simple Management
C. Security
D. Cost Effective Performance
Answer: C
HP HP2-K32 HP2-K32 HP2-K32 exam simulations HP2-K32
NO.8 How does using HP StoreOnce backup improve data protection reliability?
A. by eliminating manual processes
B. by using multiple disk drives as a store
C. by performing backups during non-business hours
D. by increasing the speed of the data transfer
Answer: A
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HP HP2-K32 certificate can help you a lot. It can help you improve your job and living standard, and having it can give you a great sum of wealth. HP certification HP2-K32 exam is a test of the level of knowledge of IT professionals. has developed the best and the most accurate training materials about HP certification HP2-K32 exam. Now can provide you the most comprehensive training materials about HP HP2-K32 exam, including exam practice questions and answers.