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Exam Code: A01-250
Exam Name: SASInstitute (SAS Platform Administration)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 65 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-27
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A01-250 (SAS Platform Administration) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 A host is using an LDAP provider as a back-end authentication mechanism. For this setup, how does
the SAS server view the authentication?
A. integrated authentication
B. back-end authentication
C. internal authentication
D. host authentication
Answer: D
SASInstitute A01-250 test answers A01-250 test answers A01-250 A01-250 practice test
NO.2 Select the method for updating table metadata that provides for the most control over updating features
and can be run in batch.
A. Update Metadata option in Data Library Manager in SAS Management Console.
B. Update Library Metadata task in SAS Enterprise Guide.
C. Update Metadata option in SAS Data Integration Studio.
D. METALIB procedure using SAS code.
Answer: D
SASInstitute A01-250 certification A01-250 exam
NO.3 A platform administrator needs to delete metadata for table definitions with the following
-the table definitions exist in the metadata repository
-the table definitions do not have a corresponding table in the physical library
After performing impact analysis, what action should the platform administrator take?
A. delete repository
B. delete physical library
C. delete the table's metadata folder
D. update table metadata
Answer: D
SASInstitute A01-250 A01-250 A01-250 test A01-250 practice test
NO.4 The METALIB procedure enables you to update table metadata. Which method does NOT provide
access to the METALIB procedure?
A. SAS Management Console's update metadata feature
B. SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer's library management feature
C. SAS Data Integration Studio's update table metadata feature
D. custom code using PROC METALIB.
Answer: B
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NO.5 Which statement is FALSE?
Updating table metadata enables you to:
A. add table metadata for tables that exist in the physical library but have no metadata in the repository.
B. update table definitions to match corresponding physical tables.
C. update table security settings at the metadata and operating system level.
D. delete metadata for table definitions that exist in the metadata repository but do not have a
corresponding table in the physical library.
Answer: C
SASInstitute A01-250 A01-250 A01-250 test answers A01-250 braindump
NO.6 A client wants to have their system set up so that stored processes can access libraries without having
to manage library assignments in the stored process code. How should the libraries be assigned?
A. by default
B. by client application
C. by pre-assignment
D. by user access
Answer: C
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