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Exam Code: HP0-082
Exam Name: HP (OpenVMS Advanced System Administration.Performance. Support)
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HP0-082 (OpenVMS Advanced System Administration.Performance. Support) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP0-082.html
NO.1 Which synchronization mechanism allows cooperating processes to coordinate their access to a
named resource in a clustered environment?
A. mutex
B. spinlock
C. logical names
D. distributed lock manager
Answer: D
HP braindump HP0-082 HP0-082 test HP0-082 HP0-082 practice test
NO.2 Which utility must be invoked after replacing a Fibre Channel tape device?
Answer: C
HP exam dumps HP0-082 answers real questions HP0-082 certification training HP0-082
NO.3 Why is the Dedicated CPU Lock Manager enabled?
A. to monitor lock remastering
B. to increase the availability of CPUs in an SMP system
C. to decrease the number of resources on a CPU specific lock tree
D. to reduce MP Synchronization time on systems with heavy lock activity
Answer: D
HP HP0-082 HP0-082 HP0-082 answers real questions HP0-082
NO.4 Click the Exhibit button.
Which term best describes the OpenVMS cluster shown in the exhibit?
A. fault tolerant
B. non-redundant
C. highly available
D. disaster tolerant
machine with an I/O bottleneck
D. in a non-SMP machine with an I/O bottleneck
Answer: C
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NO.5 Which LINK qualifier will prevent an image from being installed with privilege?
Answer: C
HP HP0-082 HP0-082
NO.6 A privileged kernel mode program is designed to operate on an SMP system. Which synchronization
technique coordinates access to shared memory management structures?
A. paging
B. spinlocks
C. mailboxes
D. event flags
Answer: B
HP exam dumps HP0-082 HP0-082 HP0-082 braindump HP0-082
NO.7 An OpenVMS Integrity server was added to an existing OpenVMS Alpha cluster, sharing the existing
SYSUAF.DAT. Users running a migrated application on the Integrity server experience occasional
problems related to UAF quotas.
Which group of quotas is most likely responsible?
Answer: C
HP HP0-082 certification training HP0-082 HP0-082
NO.8 A customer is losing old versions of a data file that must be kept. Which ACE will help to determine the
Answer: B
HP exam dumps HP0-082 test questions HP0-082 HP0-082
NO.9 Under which condition is enabling Fast Path likely to improve performance?
A. in an SMP machine with the primary CPU saturated
B. in a non-SMP machine with a saturated CPU
C. in an SMP machine with an I/O bottleneck
D. in a non-SMP machine with an I/O bottleneck
Answer: A
HP certification HP0-082 HP0-082 test questions
NO.10 Which process scheduling priority is a real-time priority?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 64
Answer: C
HP HP0-082 test questions HP0-082
NO.11 Many processes on a system are in RWMPB or RWPFW state. What is a probable cause?
A. Lock requests are stalled.
B. The look-aside lists are full.
C. The page file is full.
D. The paged pool has expanded.
Answer: C
HP HP0-082 HP0-082
NO.12 A customer requires a low-end OpenVMS cluster using Fibre Channel and shared storage.
Which configuration is the most appropriate solution for a limited budget?
A. two servers with two Host Bus Adapters and two network cards each and an MSA1000
B. two servers with one Host Bus Adapter and two network cards each, one Fibre Channel SAN switch,
one pair of HSV100 controllers and a network switch
C. two servers with two Host Bus Adapters and two network cards each, two Fibre Channel SAN switches,
two pairs of HSV100 controllers and a network switch
D. two servers with one Host Bus Adapter and one network card each, one Fibre Channel SAN switch
and one pair of HSV100 controllers
Answer: D
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NO.13 Which system parameter restricts the amount of physical memory that can be consumed by the
eXtended File Cache (XFC)?
Answer: D
HP exam simulations HP0-082 HP0-082 study guide
NO.14 What improvement results from issuing the following command?
A. read performance for all files
B. read performance for shared files
C. read and write performance for all files
D. read and write performance for shared files
Answer: B
HP HP0-082 HP0-082 exam dumps HP0-082 original questions HP0-082 braindump HP0-082 exam
NO.15 Click the Exhibit button.
Which statement is true?
A. Paged Dynamic Memory is badly fragmented.
B. Nonpaged Dynamic Memory should be increased.
C. Lock Manager Dynamic Memory should be increased.
D. Lookaside space is too small for optimal performance.
Answer: B
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NO.16 Fast Path is enabled on an SMP system, but all I/O operations appear to be using the primary CPU.
Which parameter should be checked?
Answer: C
HP certification training HP0-082 certification training HP0-082 HP0-082 practice test
NO.17 Click the Exhibit button.
Which statement regarding the system parameters is true?
A. GBLPAGFIL is too small.
B. PAGEDYN should be reduced.
C. NPAGEDYN should be increased.
D. LCKMGRDYN should be increased.
Answer: C
HP HP0-082 study guide HP0-082 exam simulations HP0-082
NO.18 Which pair of interconnects supports a multi-site cluster separated by more than 50km?
A. CI and Memory Channel
B. Fibre Channel and Ethernet
C. CI and FDDI
D. Memory Channel and Fibre Channel
Answer: B
HP HP0-082 HP0-082 HP0-082
NO.19 Users are reporting that the system is running slower than normal. The information displayed by a
MONITOR MODES command indicates that the INTERRUPT mode usage is much higher than normal.
What is a possible cause?
A. Excessive use of RMS is occurring.
B. The base priority of users has increased.
C. DCL programs are running on the system.
D. There is an increase in distributed lock processing.
Answer: D
HP HP0-082 certification HP0-082 HP0-082 original questions
NO.20 What does the GALAXY system parameter do?
A. defines the number of instances in a hard partition
B. controls participation of the instance in a GALAXY memory sharing set
C. defines the number of CPUs that are assigned to an instance
D. limits the amount of shared memory in a GALAXY community
Answer: B
HP exam dumps HP0-082 HP0-082 HP0-082 test
IT-Tests.com IT Certification has years of training experience. IT-Tests.com HP HP0-082 exam training materials is a reliable product. IT elite team continue to provide our candidates with the latest version of the HP0-082 exam training materials. Our staff made great efforts to ensure that you always get good grades in examinations. To be sure, IT-Tests.com HP HP0-082 exam materials can provide you with the most practical IT certification material.