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Exam Code: I10-001
Exam Name: XML Master (XML Master Basic V2)
I10-001 (XML Master Basic V2) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/I10-001.html
NO.1 Select which statement is correct with regards to creating an XML document based on the DTD
element type declaration below.
[element type declaration]
<!ELEMENT computer (notebook|server)*>
<!ELEMENT notebook (mouse*)>
<!ELEMENT mouse (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT server (#PCDATA)>
A. Both the "notebook" element and the "server" element can be written as a child element of the
computer element.
B. As a child element of the "computer" element, the "server" element can be written before the
"notebook" element.
C. When writing the "notebook" element, "mouse" must be written as a child element.
D. Only one "mouse" element can be written as a child element of the "notebook" element.
Answer: AB
XML Master I10-001 dumps I10-001 I10-001
NO.2 Press the Exhibit button to view "XML Schema Document". Select which of the following correctly
describes a valid XML document with respect to "XML Schema Document".
[XML Schema Document]
< xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="ContactInformation" type="ContactType" />
<xs:complexType name="ContactType">
<xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="eMail" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="Date" type="xs:date" use="optional" />
A. <ContactInformation Date="2004-07-31">
<Name>Taro Yamada</Name>
B. <ContactInformation>
C. <ContactInformation Date="July 31, 2004">
<Name>Taro Yamada</Name>
D. <ContactInformation/>
Answer: AB
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 I10-001
NO.3 Select which of the following correctly describes the DTD attribute list declaration when the "date"
attribute and the "reception" attribute are included in the "Customer_Visit" element.
A. <!ATTLIST Customer_Visit (date,reception) CDATA #IMPLIED>
B. <!ATTLIST Customer_Visit (date|reception) CDATA #IMPLIED>
C. <!ATTLIST Customer_Visit date && reception CDATA #IMPLIED>
D. <!ATTLIST Customer_Visit date CDATA #IMPLIED reception CDATA #IMPLIED>
Answer: D
XML Master exam I10-001 I10-001 certification I10-001 exam I10-001
NO.4 Select which of the following is coded using XML syntax:
A. XHTML documents
B. SOAP headers
C. XSLT Stylesheets
Answer: ABC
XML Master certification training I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 practice test
NO.5 Select which of the following is correct with respect to the attribute list declaration for setting
"notebook" as the default value in the CDATA "type" attribute included in the "computer" element.
A. <!ATTLIST type CDATA "notebook">
B. <!ATTLIST computer type CDATA notebook>
C. <!ATTLIST computer type CDATA "notebook">
D. <!ATTLIST computer type="notebook" CDATA>
Answer: C
XML Master certification training I10-001 I10-001 exam dumps I10-001 I10-001
NO.6 Press the Exhibit button to view "XML Document". Select which of the following correctly describes the
results of applying "XSLT Stylesheet" to "XML Document". Assume that the input XML document and
transformation results ignore meaningless whitespace.
[XML Documents]
<product name="pen">
<name lang="ja">Pen</name>
<product name="paper">
<name lang="ja">Paper</name>
[XSLT Stylesheet]
< xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="/product_list/product">
<xsl:value-of select="name"/>
A. A file that does not contain any content will be output, because the XML document LIST element does
not contain a name attribute.
B. The following XML document will be output.
< xml version="1.0"?>
C. The following XML document will be output.
< xml version="1.0"?>
<name lang="jp">Pen</name>
<name lang="jp">Paper</name>
D. The following XML document will be output.
< xml version="1.0"?>
<name lang="jp">Pen</name>
<name lang="jp">Paper</name>
Answer: B
XML Master I10-001 test questions I10-001 answers real questions I10-001
NO.7 Select which of the following correctly describes a namespace to which the "price" element in the XML
document below belongs.
<message xmlns="urn:sample:order"
<product:list xmlns="urn:sample:list">
<name>XML study guide</name>
A. urn:sample:order
B. urn:sample:product
C. urn:sample:list
D. Does not belong to any namespace.
Answer: C
XML Master certification training I10-001 test answers I10-001 dumps I10-001 test
NO.8 Select which of the following is the default character encoding for an XML document in which the XML
declaration does not designate an encoding attribute.
B. Shift_JIS
C. UTF-8 or UTF-16
Answer: C
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 original questions
NO.9 Select which answers are correct with respect to the relationship between "x", as expressed in the
DTD element type declaration below, and its child element. Assume child elements "a" "b" "c" are all
empty elements, expressed as like <a/>.
<!ELEMENT x (a, (b|c)*)>
A. <x>
B. <x>
C. <x>
D. <x>
Answer: ABC
XML Master demo I10-001 questions I10-001 I10-001
NO.10 Select which of the following correctly describes (1) and (2) in the XML Schema document below when
the content of the "Flag" element must be an integer of 0 or 1.
< xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="Flag" type="flagData"/>
<xs:simpleType name="flagData">
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<(1) value="0"/>
<(2) value="1"/>
A. (1) xs:minInclusive (2) xs:maxInclusive
B. (1) xs:enumeration (2) xs:enumeration
C. (1) xs:minOccurs (2) xs:maxOccurs
D. (1) xs:minExclusive (2) xs:maxExclusive
Answer: AB
XML Master test answers I10-001 I10-001
NO.11 Select which of the following correctly describes an element type declaration that includes either the
"home" element or the "mobile" element as a child element of the "telephone_number" element.
A. <!ELEMENT telephone_number (home,mobile)>
B. <!ELEMENT telephone_number (home?mobile)>
C. <!ELEMENT telephone_number (home)>
<!ELEMENT telephone_number (mobile)>
D. <!ELEMENT telephone_number (home|mobile)>
Answer: D
XML Master certification training I10-001 I10-001 original questions
NO.12 Choose the statement about HTML or XML that is incorrect.
A. In HTML, the types and meanings of tags are predefined.
B. In XML, a tag can be given any name as long as the name obeys XML naming conventions and is
C. In XML, elements can be given any number of attributes as long as the attributes obey XML naming
conventions and are well-formed.
D. XML protocols are linguistic standards used to control views on a Web browser.
Answer: D
XML Master original questions I10-001 I10-001 test I10-001
NO.13 Select which DTD element type declaration correctly defines the "XML Documents" structure below.
[XML Documents]
<Product_Name>black pen</Product_Name>
<Product_Name> red pencil </Product_Name>
A. <!ELEMENT Documents (Product_Name|Price)*>
<!ELEMENT Product_Name (#PCDATA)>
B. <!ELEMENT Documents (Product_Name|Price|#PCDATA)*>
<!ELEMENT Product_Name (#PCDATA)>
C. <!ELEMENT Documents (Product_Name*|Price)>
<!ELEMENT Product_Name (#PCDATA)>
D. <!ELEMENT Documents (#PCDATA|Product_Name|Price)*>
<!ELEMENT Product_Name (#PCDATA)>
Answer: D
XML Master I10-001 exam dumps I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 I10-001
NO.14 Select which statement correctly describes the XML document below.
[XML Documents]
<!DOCTYPE ElementA [
<!ATTLIST ElementA Attribute (ABC|DEF|GHI) #IMPLIED>
<ElementA Attribute ="
A. This is not a well-formed document, because the attribute value cannot have a line feed in it.
B. This is not a valid XML document, because an attribute cannot be designated for an element that is
designated as EMPTY.
C. This is not a valid XML document, because the attribute value is not a value listed in the attribute list
D. This is a valid XML document.
Answer: C
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 test
NO.15 Choose the statement about a problem with DTDs that is incorrect.
A. The way statements are made in a DTD differs from how the same statements are made in XML. As
a result, different algorithms must be made available for the XML processor to interpret XML documents,
which is inefficient.
B. Any single DTD can only be used to validate a single XML document.
C. In a DTD, it is not possible to specify any explicit numerical data type.
D. DTDs fail to comply with the rules of namespaces.
Answer: B
XML Master exam prep I10-001 I10-001
NO.16 Select which of the following correctly describes the XML namespace to which the -->(1) "product"
element in the "XML Document" below belongs.
[XML Documents]
< xml version="1.0"?>
<products xmlns:A="urn:sample:A"
<product/> -->(1)
A. urn:sample:A
B. urn:sample:B
C. urn:sample:A and urn:sample:B
D. None
Answer: D
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 exam dumps I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 questions
NO.17 Select which of the following correctly describes a document type declaration when designating an
external DTD file.
A. <!ENTITY productlist SYSTEM "product.dtd">
B. <!DOCTYPE productlist SYSTEM "product.dtd">
C. <!DOCTYPE root [
<!ELEMENT productlist SYSTEM "product.dtd">
D. <!DTD productlist SYSTEM "product.dtd">
Answer: B
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 I10-001 exam simulations
NO.18 Select which of the following correctly describes an XML Schema definition when the MarketPrice
element must be a positive integer. Assume the Schema namespace prefix is "xs".
A. <xs:element name="MarketPrice" type="xs:negativeInteger"/>
B. <xs:element name="MarketPrice" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
C. <xs:element name="MarketPrice" type="xs:duration"/>
D. <xs:element name="MarketPrice" type="xs:hexBinary"/>
Answer: B
XML Master I10-001 test questions I10-001 I10-001 I10-001
NO.19 Select which of the following is an absolute requirement for a well-formed XML document.
A. an XML declaration
B. a Schema definition
C. a DOCTYPE declaration
D. an element
Answer: D
XML Master pdf I10-001 I10-001 I10-001
NO.20 Press the Exhibit button to view "XML Schema Document". Which of the following is a valid XML
document with respect to "XML Schema Document".
[XML Schema Document]
< xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="Output_file" type="outputType" />
<xs:complexType name="outputType">
<xs:element ref="file" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="20" />
<xs:element name="file" type="fileType" />
<xs:complexType name="fileType">
<xs:element ref="file_Name" />
<xs:element name="file_Name" type="xs:string" />
A. < xml version="1.0"?>
B. < xml version="1.0"?>
C. < xml version="1.0"?>
D. < xml version="1.0"?>
Answer: ABD
XML Master I10-001 I10-001 exam simulations I10-001
IT-Tests.com is the best catalyst to help IT personage be successful. Many people who have passed some IT related certification exams used our IT-Tests's training tool. Our IT-Tests.com expert team use their experience for many people participating in XML Master certification I10-001 exam to develope the latest effective training tools, which includes XML Master I10-001 certification simulation test, the current exam and answers . Our IT-Tests's test questions and answers have 95% similarity with the real exam. With IT-Tests's training tool your XML Master certification I10-001 exams can be easy passed.