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Exam Code: HP0-J27
Exam Name: HP (Advanced SAN Architecture )
HP0-J27 (Advanced SAN Architecture ) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP0-J27.html
NO.1 Which critical areas must the SAN architect be able to discuss during SAN design? (Select three.)
A.data protection
B.data availability
C.data replication
D.SAN scalability
E.high availability
F.SAN availability
Answer:A B D
HP exam simulations HP0-J27 exam HP0-J27 exam simulations HP0-J27
NO.2 Which FCIP device supports HP B-series, but not C-series Fibre Channel switches for SAN extension?
A.SAN Valley SL1000 IP-SAN Gateway
B.HP StorageWorks MPX100
C.HP StorageWorks SR2122-2 IP Storage Router
D.HP StorageWorks Multiprotocol Router
HP HP0-J27 HP0-J27
NO.3 Your customer wants to migrate from a monolithic to a modular SAN design. Which benefits does the
new design provide the customer? (Select two.)
A.minimum complexity
B.lowest number of SAN switch ports
C.mainframe connectivity
D.consistent throughput and performance
E.very high scalability
Answer:D E
HP HP0-J27 HP0-J27 questions HP0-J27 test
NO.4 During an infrastructure assessment, which SAN management category ensures that data is available
and accessible?
A.SAN fabric management
B.SAN usage and monitoring
C.SAN storage management
D.SAN data management
HP HP0-J27 exam simulations HP0-J27 practice test HP0-J27 questions
NO.5 Which naming schemes are used by iSCSI nodes? (Select two.)
A.iSCSI qualified name
B.enterprise unique identifier
C.SLP service number
D.fully qualified domain name
E.world wide network identifier
Answer:A B
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IT-Tests.com is the only website which is able to supply all your needed information about HP certification HP0-J27 exam. Using The information provided by IT-Tests.com to pass HP certification HP0-J27 exam is not a problem, and you can pass the exam with high scores.