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Exam Code: HP0-P20
Exam Name: HP (HP-UX 11i v3 System Administration )
Now in such a Internet so developed society, choosing online training is a very common phenomenon. IT-Tests.com is one of many online training websites. IT-Tests's online training course has many years of experience, which can provide high quality learning material for examinee participating in HP certification HP0-P20 exam and satisfy all the needs of the students.
HP0-P20 (HP-UX 11i v3 System Administration ) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP0-P20.html
NO.1 You are upgrading a supported version of HP-UX to 11i v3. You check and resolve the prerequisites
and then you back up your system. What is the next step in the upgrade process?
A. Use update-ux from the command line to start the update.
(for example: update-ux -s /dvdrom HPUX11i-BOE)
B. Update your system using the update-ux Terminal User Interface (TUI).
(for example: update-ux -i -s /dvdrom)
C. Use swinstall to update your system.
(for example: swinstall -s /dvdrom HPUX11i-BOE)
D. Use swinstall to install the latest version of the Update-UX bundle on the target system.
(for example: swinstall -s /dvdrom Update-UX)
Answer: D
HP answers real questions HP0-P20 test questions HP0-P20 exam HP0-P20 exam dumps
NO.2 Which new features of HP-UX 11i v3 potentially increase the overall I/O performance compared to
previous releases of HP-UX 11i? (Select two.)
A. sx2000 chipset support
B. agile device addressing
C. native multipathing
D. Unified File Cache (UFC)
E. persistent device special files
Answer: CD
HP HP0-P20 exam dumps HP0-P20 practice test HP0-P20 exam HP0-P20
NO.3 What are the features and benefits of HP Integrity server's EFI (Extended Firmware Interface).? (Select
A. provides a shell and scripting support
B. is only required when the system runs vPars
C. enables the hardware to boot different vendors' operating systems
D. holds the kernel of the operating system
E. provides a Boot Maintenance Manager for simultaneous operating system instance boot
Answer: AC
HP HP0-P20 test questions HP0-P20 HP0-P20 practice test
NO.4 Which command boots a vPar, called p1, when at the MON> prompt?
A. vparboot -p p1
B. vparload -p p1
C. vparstart -p p1
D. vparrun -p p1
Answer: B
HP practice test HP0-P20 HP0-P20
NO.5 Issuing the command make_net_recovery -s <Ignite-UX_server> will create a recovery archive.
What is included in this archive? (Select two.)
A. all customized configuration files needed to rebuild the system
B. LVM configuration information for the root volume group
C. a boot image to bring up the system again
D. an archive of all files and directories contained in the file systems in vg00
E. a bootable client of Data Protector to recover all lost files from the backup server
Answer: BC
HP exam dumps HP0-P20 HP0-P20 demo HP0-P20 certification training
NO.6 What is the minimum Operating Environment (OE) version that includes the Java tools HPjconfig and
A. High Availability OE (HA-OE)
B. Base OE (BOE)
C. Virtual Server OE (VSE-OE)
D. Data Center OE (DC-OE)
E. Technical Computing OE (TCOE)
Answer: B
HP HP0-P20 practice test HP0-P20 original questions HP0-P20 HP0-P20 certification
NO.7 Which command identifies known security vulnerabilities on the system?
A. swa scan
B. swa ident
C. swa report
D. swa sec_chk
Answer: C
HP HP0-P20 HP0-P20 HP0-P20 HP0-P20 test
NO.8 Which file contains the LVM configuration information for LVMv1?
A. lvmpvg
B. lvmtab
C. lvmconf
D. lvminfo
Answer: B
HP practice test HP0-P20 HP0-P20
NO.9 You are performing a cold installation of HP-UX using the Advanced Installation option. On which
menu tab can you add additional disks to the root volume group?
A. Basic
B. Software
C. System
D. File System
E. Advanced
Answer: D
HP HP0-P20 braindump HP0-P20 HP0-P20
NO.10 You have expanded an existing LUN in your EVA storage. The LUN belongs to an HP-UX 11i v3 LVM
volume group (VG). You want to expand the volume group to reflect the new LUN size. What is the most
efficient way to accomplish this?
A. Create another physical volume and extend your current VG.
B. Back up, remove, create and restore the data to reflect the new size.
C. You cannot expand a physical volume when using LVM.
D. Use the vgmodify command to change the physical volume attributes.
Answer: D
HP exam dumps HP0-P20 questions HP0-P20 HP0-P20 exam prep HP0-P20 test answers
Click the Task button. Match each patch bundle with its description.
NO.12 When you boot from an Ignite server, you initially see a small menu with all HP-UX releases available
on the Ignite server. Which command is used to change the options of this menu?
A. auto_adm
B. make_config
C. dbprofile
D. instl_adm
Answer: A
HP HP0-P20 HP0-P20 original questions
Click the Task button. Match the patch names with the correct patch functionality. (The HP-UX patch
name format is: PHxx_yyyyy.)
NO.14 Which information is provided by the swlist default output? (Select two.)
A. product/bundle size
B. version number
C. state of the product/bundle
D. description of the product/bundle
E. special install instructions
Answer: BD
HP original questions HP0-P20 questions HP0-P20 HP0-P20 HP0-P20
NO.15 Which technology does the Intel Itanium2 processor use?
A. Super Scalar Reduced Instruction Computing
B. Complex Instruction Set Computing
C. Reduced Instruction Set Computing
D. Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
Answer: D
HP test questions HP0-P20 questions HP0-P20
NO.16 Which command determines the patches and associated filesets that are currently installed on the
A. check_filesets
B. swlist -l product | grep -i ph
C. swlist -l depot | grep -i ph
D. swlist -l product | grep -i patch
E. swlist -l patch [fileset]
Answer: E
HP HP0-P20 exam HP0-P20 HP0-P20
NO.17 Which file systems are included with the HP-UX 11i v3 Base Operating Environment?
A. HFS and Base JFS
B. HFS and VxVM
C. HFS and Online JFS
D. Base JFS and ext3
E. Online JFS and memfs
Answer: A
HP test HP0-P20 exam HP0-P20 HP0-P20 exam
NO.18 What are the new features of the HP-UX 11i v3 mass storage stack? (Select two.)
A. It automatically creates the device files for a new device.
B. It automatically installs the kernel drivers for a new device.
C. It provides different load balancing policies for devices.
D. It increases the maximum I/O paths per device to 6.
E. It automatically recreates the LVM structure for a replaced disk.
Answer: AC
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NO.19 What are the major modes for HP-UX Software Assistant?
A. display, get, set, and delete
B. report, get, step, and clean
C. list, get, install, and remove
D. export, import, install, and remove
Answer: B
HP study guide HP0-P20 practice test HP0-P20
Click the Task button. Place an "X" next to the supported update paths from HP-UX 11i v2 to HP- UX 11i
v3 and from the original Operating Environments (OEs) to the new OEs.
img-000 (exhibit):
x (exhibit):
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