
HP certification HP2-Z03 exam training programs

HP2-Z03 certification exam is a very import component HP certification exam. But passing HP certification HP2-Z03 exam is not so simple. In order to give to relieve pressure and save time and effort for candidates who take a preparation for the HP2-Z03 certification exam, IT-Tests.com specially produce a variety of training tools. So you can choose an appropriate quick training from IT-Tests.com to pass the exam.

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Exam Code: HP2-Z03
Exam Name: HP HP ProCurve Accredited Sales Consultant v9.11 HP2-Z03
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Updated: 2013-08-23

Now many IT professionals agree that HP certification HP2-Z03 exam certificate is a stepping stone to the peak of the IT industry. HP certification HP2-Z03 exam is an exam concerned by lots of IT professionals.

HP2-Z03 (HP ProCurve Accredited Sales Consultant v9.11) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/HP2-Z03.html

NO.1 How do your customers benefit from the ability of intelligent HP Procure edge devices to adapt to
converged network services? (Select two)
A. The network delivers premium quality for proprietary HP services.
B. Unified communications services offer high-quality VoIP transmission.
C. Customer resources are protected by service-specific content filtering.
D. The infrastructure filter out attempts to access inappropriate web content.
E. The services that the customer defines as mission-critical are given priority handling.
Answer: B

HP   HP2-Z03   HP2-Z03

NO.2 You are proposing an HP procure solution to a customer who has often complained about the expense
of network upgrades. What information can you provide the customer to address these concerns and
demonstrate that an HP Procure solution is the best choice for the company?
A. Because the HP Procure portfolio features proprietary technologies, these solutions are more reliable
than offered by competitors.
B. the HP Procure commitment to high-quality core devices eliminates costly upgrades for every device.
C. HP Procure offers a standard trade-in program to replace end-of life Procure devices.
D. HP Procure is committed to open standards, which ensures that its solutions remain valid in the future.
Answer: B

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NO.3 You are meeting with a customer who has complained about their very limited budget for the networking
infrastructure. What can you say to demonstrate that HP Procure Networking offers the best choice for
A. Procure offers a broad networking portfolio with products that are recognized as the least expensive,
minimizing the networking investment.
B. Procure solutions are designed tominimize"on-going" costs (OPEX), allowing this customer to shift the
budget toward investment (CAPEX).
C. Procure solutions are designed to minimize networking investment (CAPEX), allowing this customer to
shift the budget toward maintaining the network (OPEX).
D. Procure provides financial services that will solve the current budget issues.
Answer: B

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NO.4 A customer has asked you why it is worthwhile to invest in intelligence at the network edge. Which
statements accurately describe the benefits of doing so? (Select two.)
A. The network is scalable. The core is not overloaded when the edge is expanded.
B. Only the network edge is open-standards compliant and future-proof, so that is where the customer
should invest
C. The network edge provides everything required for an advanced access control solution.
D. The network edge provides features that HP Procure Security solutions can leverage.
E. The Procure edge devices are protected by the HP Procure Lifetime Warranty, but the core switches
are not.
Answer: C

HP   HP2-Z03 exam dumps   HP2-Z03   HP2-Z03 test questions

NO.5 You are creating a networking solution proposal for a university. Which question helps you determine if
the network infrastructure must support traffic prioritization?
A. Does network access need to be available in older classroom buildings?
B. Does the university need to comply with any regulations and if so, do you need to prove
C. Do you plan to enhance the learning experience with interactive virtual classrooms?
D. Do faculty members need access to more resources than students: for example, answer keys?
Answer: A

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IT-Tests.com HP HP2-Z03 Training Kit is designed and ready by IT-Tests.com IT experts. Its design is closely linked to today's rapidly changing IT market. . IT-Tests.com training to help you take advantage of the continuous development of technology to improve the ability to solve problems, and improve your job satisfaction. The coverage IT-Tests.com HP HP2-Z03 questions can reach 100% , as long as you use our questions and answers, we guarantee you pass the exam the first time!

