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Exam Code: C-HANAIMP-1
Exam Name: SAP SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0 C-HANAIMP-1
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Updated: 2013-08-28
C-HANAIMP-1 (SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0 ) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/C-HANAIMP-1.html
NO.1 Which SAP BusinessObjects reporting tool should you use to answer ad-hoc questions and
interact with shared information?
A. Crystal Reports
B. Dashboards
C. Explorer
D. WebIntelligence
Answer: D
SAP test answers C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 demo
NO.2 How can you evaluate the speed of a calculation within the database? (Choose two)
A. Use the Data Preview function in the SAP HANA studio.
B. Execute a Web Intelligence report and check the duration of the previous refresh.
C. Execute an information space using SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.
D. Write and execute an appropriate SQL statement.
Answer: A,D
NO.3 Which of the following tasks must you perform before you build a business layer within the
SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool (IDT) on top of SAP HANA? (Choose three)
A. Publish the connection to CMS.
B. Build a query to test the connection.
C. Build a relational connection to SAP HANA.
D. Build an OLAP connection to SAP HANA.
E. Build a data foundation.
Answer: A,C,E
SAP answers real questions C-HANAIMP-1 answers real questions C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1
NO.4 You have a Web Intelligence report that requires data from SAP HANA filtered for a specific
Where do you apply the filter for optimal performance?
A. In the universe
B. In the Web Intelligence report
C. In the analytic view
D. In the calculation view using an attribute value variable
Answer: C
NO.5 Which of the following properties of a derived attribute view can you modify?
A. Description
B. Description mapping
C. Calculated attributes
D. Filters
Answer: A
NO.6 What are benefits of using a business layer on top of SAP HANA? (Choose two)
A. An extra layer of granular security
B. Improved database calculation speed
C. Fast throughput via BICS connectivity
D. Users can use business names instead of technical names
Answer: A,D
SAP original questions C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1
NO.7 If you want to create or drop tables in a schema, which privilege type do you need?
Answer: D
SAP certification C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 certification training C-HANAIMP-1
NO.8 Which new connection type is available as of SAP BusinessObjects Data Services 4.0?
A. Operational Data Provider
B. BAPI function calls
D. Read table via ABAP data flows
Answer: A
SAP C-HANAIMP-1 demo C-HANAIMP-1 braindump C-HANAIMP-1
NO.9 What are the key benefits of using SAP BusinessObjects Explorer with SAP HANA? (Choose
A. You do not need to create your own queries to access information.
B. You can easily create your own queries to access information.
C. You can access information for data discovery intuitively.
D. You can execute ad-hoc business analytics quickly.
E. You can easily create an IDT business layer.
Answer: A,C,D
SAP C-HANAIMP-1 exam dumps C-HANAIMP-1 C-HANAIMP-1 test answers
NO.10 Which delivered role is mandatory for a system administrator in SAP HANA?
Answer: B
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