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Exam Code: 3000-3
Exam Name: Avaya (Avaya Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Communications Solutions Exam)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 59 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-23
3000-3 (Avaya Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Communications Solutions Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What should the telephone number field N in an ARS short code look like if you want to send out caller
ID for the number 3033211234 on an ISDN/PRI line?
A. NCLI3033211234
B. Nss3033211234
C. Ns3033211234
D. NCID3033211234
Answer: C
Avaya 3000-3 study guide 3000-3
NO.2 A customer has a help desk call center with 50 agents. Agent time on call are billable to the clients
calling in. which combination of features best meets their needs?
A. VoiceMail Pro, Account codes with CLI, one-X Portal Call Accounting
B. ACD via VM Pro Commpaign Manager and a compaign database
C. ACD to distributed Hunt Groups and one-X Portal Call Accounting
D. ICR with account codes and CDR-enabled for billing.
Answer: D
Avaya exam 3000-3 practice test 3000-3 3000-3 demo
NO.3 Aplication can be used in Conjunction with one-X Portal to provide full softphone and call handing
capability for us
A. Office Voice Portal
B. Office Video Softphone
C. Office Phone Manager Pro
D. Office Softconsole
Answer: B
Avaya 3000-3 exam dumps 3000-3 certification 3000-3 3000-3
NO.4 Which item must be completed for an IP Office user to be counted in CCR as an agent?
A. User must be defined as an agent in one-X Portal.
B. force Account Code must be checked on the user s Supervisor tab.
C. CCR Agent Must be checked on the user s Supervisor tab.
D. User must be a member of a hunt group.
Answer: C
Avaya 3000-3 3000-3 3000-3
NO.5 The design for an IP Office has two locations. They will need telephones, voicemail, and meet-me
conferencing ability. They will have a PRI at the main office and the remote office will use the main office
PRI for inbound and outbound calls. The main site has 40 users and one fax machine. The remote site
has 15 users and one fax machine. Which cards and modules are required in the IP Office at the main site
to support all digital telephones?
A. IP500 Preferred edition, three Digital Statin 8 Card, one Analog Phone 2 Card, Universal PRI Trunk
Card, one DS30 Module.
B. IP500 Essential edition, three Digital Station 8 Card, one Analog Phone 2 Card, Universal PRI Trunk
Card, one DS30 Module.
C. IP500 Essential edition, two Digital Station 8 Card, one Analog Phone 2 Card, VCM32, Universal PRI
Trunk Card, one DS30 Module.
D. IP500 Preferred edition, two Digital Station 8 Card, one Analog Phone 2 Card, VCM32 Universal PRI
Trunk Card, one DS30 Module.
Answer: D
Avaya certification 3000-3 questions 3000-3
NO.6 A customer is installing ContactStore 7.8 on a separate Windows server from the VoiceMail Pro Server.
What must be set in the servers so that the recordings move from the voicemail server to the
ContactStore server?
A. The Workgroup name must be in each server.
B. VoiceMail Pro must be part of the domain.
C. IP Office must be in a SCN.
D. The registry key is a string containing the name of the share.
Answer: D
Avaya 3000-3 demo 3000-3 exam dumps 3000-3 certification training 3000-3
NO.7 Secure Digital (SD) card commands can be invoked from which two sources? (Choose two.)
A. one-X Portal
B. IP Office Manager
C. Avaya telephones
D. VoiceMail Pro Clint
E. one-X Portal for IP Office
Answer: B, C
Avaya answers real questions 3000-3 3000-3 dumps 3000-3 3000-3
NO.8 An IP Office with Embedded Voicemail (EVM) has the time set using the system telephone. Each time
the IP Office reboots the time changes to the wrong time. Which Windows command can be used to
determine if there is a time server on the network causing the change.?
A. time
B. time server
C. net time
D. get time
Answer: C
Avaya pdf 3000-3 3000-3 exam dumps 3000-3
NO.9 Which two are power option for IP telephones on the IP Office? (Choose two.)
A. Class B 24 Volt power supply
B. Class A 24 Volt power supply
C. Power-over-Ethemet switch conforming to 802.3af standards
D. 1151D1 Indiviual Power Supply and the 1151D2 Individual Power Supply with Battery Backup
Answer: C, D
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