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Exam Code: 190-801
Exam Name: Lotus (IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 Application Development Update)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 120 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-21

Now Lotus 190-801 is a hot certification exam in the IT industry, and a lot of IT professionals all want to get Lotus 190-801 certification. So Lotus certification 190-801 exam is also a very popular IT certification exam. Lotus 190-801 certificate is very helpful to your work in the IT industry, which can help promote your position and salary a lot and let your life have more security.

190-801 (IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 Application Development Update) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/190-801.html

NO.1 Luigi hascreatedaviewforhis mailfilethat shows thesize ofthe document. In thatcolumn, hewould like t
o display the size as either kilobytes or megabytes. How can Luigi accomplish this?
A. Set thenumberformat for the column to Size(K/M/G)
B. Set thenumberformat for the column to Bytes(K/M/G)
C. Set the Preferences For Display format for the column to Size(K/M/G)
D. Set the Additional Display Formattingfor the column to Bytes(K/M/G)

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NO.2 Linda has selected the database property Support Response Thread History for her Call Logapplicati
on. When she looks at thedocument fields in the Document Properties dialog box, she notices a
new field has been added toeachnew document.What field does Linda see?
D. $REF2

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NO.3 Samirwants to designanddeploy aCompositeApplicationthat consists ofcomponents fromtwoLotus Not
es databases that both reside on the same Domino Server. He would like to include the CompositeApplic
ation definition inside one of the Lotus Notes databases, to make it easier to deploy and replicate. Can h
edo this?
A. No, a Composite Application definitionmust be hosted on aWebSphere Portal server.
B. No, a Composite Application definitionmust reside in a Lotus Notes database that is based on the"Bla
nk Composite Application" template.
C. Yes, he simply needs to click the "NewComposite Application"button in the Composite Applications A
pplication section of the Database design and begin writing the definition.
D. Yes, but first he needs to define the Composite Application in the Composite Application Editor andsa
ve the resulting XML file. Thenhe can createa new definition in the Composite Applications Application s
ection of the Database design and import the XML.

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NO.4 Thenew "Composite Settings" option in a View column Properties box allows you to specifywhat?
A. An Action to performwhen a row in the view is selected
B. A Property to publishwhen a row in the view is selected
C. Whether or not to display the columnwhen the view is used in a Composite Application
D. An alternate font type, size, and color to use for that columnwhen the view is used in a CompositeApp

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NO.5 Bonnie has a Customerview in her application that has the following columns (in order): CustomerNa
me, Customer Address, Customer Phone, Customer Comments, Last Contacted. She would like tomaxi
mize the amount of column space for the Customer Comments field. Howwould Bonnie accomplishthis in
A. Select the "MaximumWidth"property for the CustomerComment column.
B. Set the Height indicator to 9 lines for the Customer Comments column.
C. Select the extend to useavailable windowwidth property for the Customer Comment column
D. Add the column name to the xtend to use available windowwidth property in the Customerview.

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NO.6 Clarisa's agentneeds torunevery timetheAPP012serveris rebooted. Thereis noharmtodataiftheagent r
uns repeatedly, but Clarisa would like to minimize the impact to serverperformance. How should Clarisa t
rigger the agent to run?
A. Set the Runtime Trigger option to "On event", and select "When server starts".
B. Set the Runtime Trigger option to "On event", and select "On agent manager start".
C. Set the Runtime Trigger option to "On schedule". Select "Run once", and select the schedule option"
On serverboot".
D. Set the Runtime Trigger option to "On schedule". Select "More thanoncea day". Clarisa should determ
ine how soon after a serverboot theagent must be run. The schedule frequency should be set tothat amo
unt of time.

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NO.7 Barry has just closed theProperty Broker Editor after specifying input and output Action parameters for
his Composite Application Editor (CAE). He notices a curved arrow icon in Domino Designer next to then
ame of theWiring Property. What should Barry do to ensurethat his changes are saved within his Domino
A. Click the "Refresh"button, and then click the "Open" button in the window that displays.
B. Nothing. The Property Broker automatically saves changes inside the Domino application.
C. Click the "MergeWSDLs" button and click "OK" in the confirmation prompt that thendisplays.
D. Open theWiring Property properties and ensure that the "Store in NSF" option is selected. Thechange
s will be saved within the Domino application when Domino Designer is closed.

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NO.8 Thedefault view in the Notes 8 Contacts database allows you todisplay the information in the view eit
heronasingle line(as withatraditional Notesview)orin a"business card"styleformat witheachentry displayed
in an individual box and the boxes arranged in columns, scrollingvertically. To create a view that allows t
his sort of "business card"format,what type of Layout Viewer do you need to specify in theView Propertie
A. Tiled
B. Boxed
C. Vertical
D. Composite

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NO.9 When Bert is designing his Composite Application, he wants tohave a Notes view that publishes aUse
rName property to another view and also to a Notes form that is open in edit mode. How does he dothis?
A. He simply uses the Composite Application Editor to wire all three components together.
B. He creates oneCompositeApplicationthat wires thetwoviews together, andthenasecondCompositeAppl
ication that incorporates the first one, with the first viewwired to the form.
C. Becauseeach component can only publish a single property, he has to wire the first viewpublish theus
er name to the second view, and then wire the second view to publish the user name to the form.
D. Becausehe can publish a property only to a single component,he has to make his first viewpublish tw
o properties (e.g. UserName1 and UserName2) that both have the same data, so that one of theproperti
es is wired to the second view and the other is wired to the form.

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NO.10 Thenew Rich Text Lite "Thumbnail" input type allows you to specify theheight and width of thethumbn
ail image, alongwithwhat other attribute?
A. File type
B. Color depth
C. Image resolution
D. Attachment name

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NO.11 Nina has been asked toadd several views to theSales.nsf database, manyof which are to includemulti
plesortedcolumns andmultipleusersortable columns. Howcanshe helpminimize theimpact totheserverfro
m these new views?
A. Select the "Defer index creationuntil first use" Advanced Option from the Advanced tab of thedatabase
B. Open each view that includes sorted or usersortable columns. Select the "Defer index creation until fir
st use" Index option from the Advanced tab of theviewproperties.
C. Open each view that includes sorted columns. From the Sorting tab of the column properties of eachs
orted column, select the "Defer index creation until first use" option.
D. Open each view that includes a usersortable column. From the Sorting tab of the columnproperties of
each usersortable column, select the "Defer index creation until first use" option.

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NO.12 Victor has a Movie Rental Notes application witha Movie Inventory view. The database is not fulltext i
ndexed, and users are complaining about the long search times when they attempt to search thedatabas
e. How can Victor prevent searching in this database if no fulltext index has been created?
A. Select thedon't allow simple search option in theDatabase properties.
B. Deselect the allow simple search option in the Movie Inventory viewproperties.
C. Deselect theallow simple search option in the Movie Inventory document properties.
D. Select the ponfirmfull text index before search option in the Database properties.

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NO.13 Myrtleis modifyingthedesignofaViewin aNotesdatabase,soit canupdateapublishedProperty that the oth
er components in a Composite Application can respond to. Where does she write code that updates a Pr
A. In a view action
B. In the OnSelect event of the view
C. In theQueryModeChange event of the view
D. In theInitialize subroutine of the Global section of the view
Answer: B

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NO.14 Beatricecreated a newCompositeApplicationdatabasein theNotes 8client, but whensheopens itupshe s
ees a grey page that says "This Application page does not contain any content."What does shehave to d
A. Click the menu option "View Design" to open the database in Domino Designer to edit the Composite
Application definition.
B. Click the menu option "Actions Edit Application"to open the database inthe Composite ApplicationEdit
or to edit the Composite Application definition.
C. Doubleclick the grey page to open the database in the Composite Application Editor to edit theCompo
site Application definition.
D. Rightclick the grey page to open the database inDomino Designer to edit the Composite Applicationd

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NO.15 Kristen has been asked to develop a Composite Application to "wire" the Customer, Orders, andInvent
ory applications together. She understands that this will result in communication among thedifferent piec
es of the new application. How does this communication work?
A. Components use the Composite Application Broker to communicate with each other. The CompositeA
pplication Editor is used to define Actions and their parameters, and to configure Property Broker options
B. Components use the Composite Application Broker to communicate with each other. The CompositeA
pplication Editor is launched fromDominoDesigner to define Broker Properties and configure Actions and
their parameters.
C. Components use the Property Broker to communicate with each other. TheProperty Broker Editor is l
aunched directly from Domino Designer (orcan be launched via the CAE) to define Properties and config
ure Actions and their parameters.
D. Components use the Property Broker to communicate with each other. Domino Designermust first be
used to define theWiring Properties. Composite Application Broker options can then be configured using
the Composite Application Editor orfromwithin Domino Designer.

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NO.16 Thomas has utilized the rightclick menu option feature inhis application to show his custom actions.
He would like to present users with just the custom actions when they rightclick with theirmouse. How ca
n heaccomplish this?
A. Remove the default menu items from the Action Bar of the view.
B. Deselect include action in ActionBar in the Action button properties of the view.
C. Deselect show default items in rightmousemenu in the Action Bar properties of the view.
D. Select emove default items in rightmousemenu?in the Action button properties of the view.

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NO.17 Timmy is designing a View and he wants to use the new "Split Action Button" option for one of his Ac
tions. He creates anActionwithsubactions andchecks the"Displayas split button"box, but theActiondoesn't
work as a Split button when he looks at the view in his Notes client.Why is this?
A. Split Action buttons work only for SharedActions.
B. Split Action buttons work only for Forms.
C. Split Action buttons work only for Composite Applications.
D. The "Enable Advanced Action Bar" setting in theViewproperties has not been checked.

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NO.18 Maxie is using thenew "Defer index creation until first use" option in her views that have sortable colu
mns, in order to delay creation of these extra indices until they are needed. She notices that the extracol
umn indices are still being built immediately instead of being deferred. Why is this?
A. This option works only for categorized columns.
B. This option is related to the database's fulltext index, not the view index.
C. This option is valid only when the view is used ina composite application.
D. The server administrator needs to set the ENABLE_ON_DEMAND_COLLATIONS=1 setting in theser
ver's Notes.ini file.

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NO.19 Scotthas just createda new NSFbased Composite Application. He has addedtwo components to his a
pplication and is about to close the Composite Application Editor (CAE). What does heneed to do if heno
wwants to see how his Composite Application appears in the user interface?
A. Scott will not be able to open the Composite Application within the user interface yet. Thedatabaselau
nch properties must first be set to "Launchas Composite Application".
B. Nothing. The CAE is opened fromwithin the Composite Application. When Scott exits the CAE, he is a
utomatically presented again with the Composite Application, open in the user interface.
C. Scott will not be able to openthe Composite Application within the user interface yet. He will first needt
o open the Composite Application using Domino Designer and set theWiring Properties.
D. When Scott exits the CAE, he is back at the Notes Workspace, just as when exiting other NSFbaseda
pplications. Doubleclick on the Composite Application's icon on theWorkspace to open it in the userinterf

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NO.20 Kyle is designing a Composite Application that can send a user namefrom aform to aview, by clickinga
buttonontheform. He knows hewants to definea WiringpropertycalledReceiveUserNamethat will beused
when the view is receiving a user name string that is published by the form. When he opens theProperty
Broker Editor to define "ReceiveUserName", what does he define it as?
A. Type
B. Action
C. Event
D. Property

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