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Exam Code: HP3-C27
Exam Name: HP (SMB Printing and Imaging sales)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 41 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-22
HP3-C27 (SMB Printing and Imaging sales) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What has been the effect of the global economic downturn on printing and imaging? (Select two.)
A. Fewer pages are being printed.
B. Refilled and remanufactured ink cartridges have increased in quality.
C. All new product purchases are on hold.
D. Printing and imaging product lifecycles are longer.
E. Inkjet printers are replacing laser printers.
Answer: B, C
HP HP3-C27 pdf HP3-C27 exam dumps HP3-C27 test questions HP3-C27 original questions
NO.2 What is the fundamental difference between the HP print business in the 1980s and their print business
A. In the 1980s, HP business focused around the provision print services.
B. In the 1980s, HP business focused simply around the sale of printers.
C. In the 1980s, HP business focused around data center printing.
D. In the 1980s, HP business focused around printer support contracts.
Answer: B
HP HP3-C27 test HP3-C27 HP3-C27 HP3-C27 original questions
NO.3 What is the prediction for the number of digitally printed pages as a percentage of all pages?
A. 70%
B. 90%
C. 10%
D. 0.5%
Answer: B
HP HP3-C27 test HP3-C27
NO.4 According to HP and other market segmentations, how many employees would you expect to find in a
lower mid-market organization.?
A. 100 to 499 employees
B. 2000 to 2999 employees
C. 400 to 599 employees
D. 999 to1999 employees
Answer: C
HP HP3-C27 practice test HP3-C27
NO.5 How can resellers use print management engagement to increase revenue and profit?
A. Resellers can up-sell from color printers to mono-only printers.
B. Resellers can move from transactional sales to selling service-based contracts.
C. Resellers can up-sell from HP Laser printer to HP Large Format printers.
D. Resellers can move from selling HP PCs and servers to selling HP ProCurve products.
Answer: C
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