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Exam Code: 070-516-VB
Exam Name: Microsoft (TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4)
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070-516-VB (TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create an
application. The application connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database. The
application has two DataTable objects that reference the Customers and Orders tables in
the database. The application contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are
included for reference only.)
01 Dim customerOrders As New DataSet()
02 customerOrders.EnforceConstraints = True
03 Dim ordersFK As New ForeignKeyConstraint("ordersFK",
04 customerOrders.Tables("Customers").Columns("CustomerID"),
05 customerOrders.Tables("Orders").Columns("CustomerID"))
07 customerOrders.Tables("Orders").Constraints.Add(ordersFK)
You need to ensure that an exception is thrown when you attempt to delete Customer
records that have related Order records. Which code segment should you insert at line
A. ordersFK.DeleteRule = Rule.SetDefault
B. ordersFK.DeleteRule = Rule.None
C. ordersFK.DeleteRule = Rule.SetNull
D. ordersFK.DeleteRule = Rule.Cascade
Answer: B
Microsoft exam 070-516-VB 070-516-VB certification training
NO.2 You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to develop an
application that connects to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database. The application
includes a SqlConnection named conn and a SqlCommand named cmd. You need to
create a transaction so that database changes will be reverted in the event that an
exception is thrown. Which code segment should you use?
A. Dim transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
cmd.Transaction = transaction
… transaction.Commit() Catch transaction.Rollback() End Try
B. Dim transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
cmd.Transaction = transaction
… transaction.Commit() Catch transaction.Dispose() End Try
C. Dim transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
cmd.Transaction = transaction
… Catch
transaction.Commit() End Try
D. Dim transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()
cmd.Transaction = transaction
… transaction.Rollback() Catch transaction.Dispose() End Try
Answer: A
Microsoft braindump 070-516-VB certification 070-516-VB answers real questions
NO.3 You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to develop an application that uses the Entity
Framework. The application has an entity model with a Person entity. A Person instance
named person1 and an ObjectContext instance named model exist. You need to delete the
person1 instance. Which code segment should you use?
A. model.DeleteObject(person1)
B. model.Detach(person1)
C. model.ExecuteStoreCommand("Delete",
New Object() { _ New ObjectParameter("Person", person1)}) model.SaveChanges()
D. model.ExecuteFunction("Detach",
New ObjectParameter() { _ New ObjectParameter("Person", person1)})
Answer: A
Microsoft pdf 070-516-VB answers real questions 070-516-VB
NO.4 You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create an
application. The application uses the ADO.NET Entity Framework to manage customer
and related order records. You add a new order for an existing customer. You need to
associate the Order entity with the Customer entity. What should you do?
A. Set the Value property of the EntityReference of the Order entity.
B. Call the Add method on the EntityCollection of the Order entity.
C. Use the AddObject method of the ObjectContext to add both Order and Customer
D. Use the Attach method of the ObjectContext to add both Order and Customer entities.
Answer: A
Microsoft dumps 070-516-VB test answers 070-516-VB test 070-516-VB certification 070-516-VB exam dumps
NO.5 You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create an
application. The application connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database and contains a
LINQ to SQL data model. The data model contains a function named createCustomer that
calls a stored procedure. The stored procedure is also named createCustomer. The
createCustomer function has the following signature. Sub New(customerID As Guid,
customerName As [String], address1 As [String])
End Sub
The application contains the following the following code segment. (Line numbers are
included for reference only.)
01 Dim context As New CustomDataContext()
02 Dim userID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
03 Dim address1 As [String] = "1 Main Street"
04 Dim name As [String] = "Marc"
You need to use the createCustomer stored procedure to add a customer to the database.
Which code segment should you insert at line 05?
A. context.createCustomer(userID, name , address1)
B. context.ExecuteCommand("createCustomer", userID, name , address1)
C. Dim customer As New Customer() context.ExecuteCommand("createCustomer",
D. Dim customer As New Customer() context.ExecuteQuery(GetType(Customer),
"createCustomer", customer)
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-516-VB exam prep 070-516-VB 070-516-VB answers real questions
NO.6 You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create an
application. You use a TableAdapter object to load a DataTable object. The DataTable
object is used as the data source for a GridView control to display a table of customer
information on a Web page. You need to ensure that the application meets the following
- Load only new customer records each time the page refreshes.
- Preserve existing customer records.
What should you do?
A. Set the ClearBeforeFill property of the TableAdapter to false. Use the Fill method of
the TableAdapter to load additional customers.
B. Set the ClearBeforeFill property of the TableAdapter to false. Use the GetData method
of the TableAdapter to create a new DataTable.
C. Set the ClearBeforeFill property of the TableAdapter to true. Use the Fill method of
the TableAdapter to load additional customers.
D. Set the ClearBeforeFill property of the TableAdapter to true. Use the GetData method
of the TableAdapter to create a new DataTable.
Answer: A
Microsoft study guide 070-516-VB 070-516-VB questions 070-516-VB certification training 070-516-VB test
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