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Exam Code: 2B0-202
Exam Name: Enterasys Networks (ES NetSight Atlas)
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2B0-202 (ES NetSight Atlas) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What benefits are gained with SNMPv3?
A. Better error codes
B. Encrypted messages
C. Fast table retrieval
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Enterasys Networks test questions 2B0-202 2B0-202 2B0-202 test questions 2B0-202 dumps
NO.2 Which of the following configuration files can you view while comparing archives in
Inventory Manager?
A. All archived configuration files
B. Only files in which a difference in configurations is found
C. All archived database files
D. A and C
Answer: B
Enterasys Networks exam dumps 2B0-202 2B0-202 2B0-202
NO.3 The Firmware Upgrade Wizard allows you to enter a reset delay time for devices that
support timed reset. How can you reset devices that do not support timed reset?
A. You cannot reset devices that do not support timed reset.
B. After selecting the devices in the table, click Start to initiate manual resets.
C. It is necessary to walk to the device to initiate a reset.
D. After closing the Firmware Upgrade Wizard, you open the Manual Device Reset
Answer: B
Enterasys Networks exam simulations 2B0-202 exam dumps 2B0-202 certification 2B0-202 2B0-202 practice test
NO.4 Which RMON groups are accessible from the Device Manager?
A. Alarm and Event
B. Host and Matrix
C. Statistics and History
D. Filter and Capture
Answer: C
Enterasys Networks 2B0-202 2B0-202 exam dumps 2B0-202 test answers
NO.5 What service must be running to save a configuration?
C. SNMP trapd
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Enterasys Networks 2B0-202 2B0-202 2B0-202 exam dumps
NO.6 With SNMPv3, the message is encrypted
A. to prevent disclosure of sensitive information while en route
B. to make sure the user has permission to access the device
C. to verify the message was not modified en route
D. to read or to modify subsets of the target data
E. Both A and C
Answer: A
Enterasys Networks demo 2B0-202 2B0-202 2B0-202 demo 2B0-202 braindump
NO.7 In the context of Policy Manager, a Role is a
A. Feature set that is assigned after authentication exchange and the port is available
B. Feature used to assign access control and/or class of service to network traffic based
on its OSI layer
C. Feature used to enforce the default role on a port
D. Feature used to combine classification rules to implement permission and denial to
network resources
Answer: A
Enterasys Networks 2B0-202 test answers 2B0-202 2B0-202 exam
NO.8 Which of the following actions can Atlas Console initiate when certain alarms, events or
traps occur on the network?
A. Send an e-mail notification and then shut down Atlas Console
B. Send an e-mail notification or run a program
C. Write the event log to an HTML file for web-based viewing
D. Run a program or shut down Atlas Console
E. A and C only
Answer: B
Enterasys Networks exam simulations 2B0-202 original questions 2B0-202 study guide 2B0-202
NO.9 Device Manager provides all of the following, EXCEPT
A. Graphic representation of a device
B. Configuration file upload/download
C. System level configuration
D. Broadcast Suppression configuration
Answer: C
Enterasys Networks practice test 2B0-202 certification training 2B0-202 2B0-202 2B0-202
NO.10 The Goto symbol is used as a navigational tool to jump to another map.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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