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Exam Code: 074-324J
Exam Name: Microsoft (Administering Office 365 for Small Businesses (074-324日本語版))
Exam Code: 74-324J
Exam Name: Microsoft (Administering Office 365 for Small Businesses (74-324日本語版))
Exam Code: 070-516-VB
Exam Name: Microsoft (TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4)
Exam Code: 70-516-VB
Exam Name: Microsoft (TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4)
Exam Code: 074-324
Exam Name: Microsoft (Administering Office 365 for Small Businesses) Microsoft 074-324J 74-324J 070-516-VB 70-516-VB 074-324 exam training materials are provided in PDF format and software format. It contains Microsoft 074-324J 74-324J 070-516-VB 70-516-VB 074-324 exam questions and answers. These issues are perfect, Which can help you to be successful in the Microsoft 074-324J 74-324J 070-516-VB 70-516-VB 074-324 exam. Microsoft 074-324J 74-324J 070-516-VB 70-516-VB 074-324 exam comprehensively covers all syllabus and complex issues. The Microsoft 074-324J 74-324J 070-516-VB 70-516-VB 074-324 exam questions and answers is the real exam challenges, and help you change your mindset.
074-324 (Administering Office 365 for Small Businesses) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You are planning the Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) architecture for a hybrid
of Office 365 to 2,000 users. You plan to configure single sign-on for all users. You need to minimize
number of dedicated federation servers and dedicated federation proxy servers for the deployment.
many servers should you use?
A.One dedicated federation server and one dedicated proxy server
B.Two dedicated federation servers and four dedicated proxy servers
C.Two dedicated federation servers and two dedicated proxy servers
D.Four dedicated federation servers and four dedicated proxy servers
Answer: C
Microsoft 074-324 test questions 074-324 certification
NO.2 Which two statements about Office 365 Help Desk Administrators are true? (Each Answer
presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A.Help Desk Administrators cannot make changes to Global Administrator accounts.
B.Help Desk Administrators can reset User Management Administrator account passwords.
C.Help Desk Administrators can reset only user passwords.
D.Help Desk Administrators can reset Billing Administrator account passwords.
Answer: AD
Microsoft 074-324 074-324
NO.3 Your company has an Office 365 subscription. All user mailboxes are hosted on Microsoft
Online. You need to assign the minimum permissions necessary to ensure that an Office 365
administrator can configure federation for Microsoft Lync Online. To which role or role group should
assign the administrator?
A.Help Desk
B.Global administrator
C.Password administrator
D.Billing administrator
E.Recipient Management
F.Service administrator
G.Organization Management
H.User management administrator
Answer: B
Microsoft exam dumps 074-324 test 074-324 certification training
NO.4 Which three statements about Office 365 Billing Administrators are true? (Each Answer
presents a
complete solution. Choose three.)
A.Billing Administrators can modify company and user information.
B.Billing Administrators can perform billing and purchasing operations.
C.Billing Administrators can reset user passwords.
D.Billing Administrators receives billing event notifications.
E.Billing Administrators can manage support tickets.
Answer: BDE
Microsoft test answers 074-324 pdf 074-324 test answers 074-324
NO.5 You administer Office 365 from a computer that runs Windows 7 Professional with Windows
and the .NET Framework 3.5.1 enabled. You need to establish a remote Windows PowerShell
from your computer to the Microsoft Exchange Online service. Which three Windows PowerShell
should you run? (Each Answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.)
A.$LiveCred = Set-Credential
B.Execute-PSSession $Session
C.Import PSSession SSession
D.$LiveCred = Get-Credential
E.$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps. powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic AllowRedirection
Answer: CDE
Microsoft 074-324 074-324 dumps 074-324 pdf 074-324 exam simulations