
Latest training guide for Oracle 1Z0-610

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Exam Code: 1Z0-610

Exam Name: Oracle (Siebel CRM OnDemand 2006 administrator Exam)

1Z0-610 (Siebel CRM OnDemand 2006 administrator Exam) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/1Z0-610.html

NO.1 Bill Williams is a manager of a sales team. His role gives him Read/Create default access to accounts.
Jane Jones is a sales representative who reports to Bill Williams. Her role gives her Create-Only default
access to accounts, and Read/Edit/Delete owner access. Jane owns the ACE Industries account record
in Siebel CRM OnDemand.
Jane changes the owner on the ACE Industries account to Frank Ford, a sales representative who does
not report to Bill Williams, but to a sales manager on another team. What kind of access does Jane now
have to the ACE Industries record?
A.No Access
Answer: A

Oracle   1Z0-610   1Z0-610

NO.2 Your company has decided to change the password requirements and force new policies into effect
immediately. As the Administrator, what must you do?
A.Click the Reset All Passwords button on the company Profile, and then modify the password controls.
B.Modify the password controls and distribute new default passwords to all users.
C.Modify the password controls only. Changes take effect with each users next login.
D.Modify the password controls and then click the Reset All Passwords button on the Company Profile.
Answer: D

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NO.3 Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM OnDemand environment going down, negatively
affecting his business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customer that Siebel CRM
OnDemand is designed for High Availability? Choose three.
A.Clustered servers
B.Redundancy within the hardware and network components
C.Load Balancing
D.Database de-normalization
E.JavaScript usage
Answer: ABC

Oracle   1Z0-610   1Z0-610 original questions

NO.4 Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM OnDemand environment providing the necessary
security to protect their data. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customer that Siebel
CRM OnDemand is designed for High Security? Choose three.
A.Reliable high-bandwidth Internet access
B.Single-layer LAN architecture to isolate data
C.128-bit encryption through secure socket layer (SSL)
D.System of Wireless networks providing WiFi access points
E.Anti-virus protection at the server-level
Answer: ACE

Oracle exam   1Z0-610 questions   1Z0-610 answers real questions   1Z0-610 original questions

NO.5 Which of the following settings are available to the Administrator for setting sign-in and password
controls? Choose three.
A.Maximum number of sign-in attempts allowed
B.New password must be different from old password checkbox
C.Alpha-numeric password required checkbox
D.Minimum password length requirement
E.Maximum password length requirement
Answer: ABD

Oracle   1Z0-610   1Z0-610 exam   1Z0-610

NO.6 The first task in administering a company is verifying and updating the information contained in the
company profile. Where does the company information contained in the company profile initially come
A.Information gathered from the .ini files installed on the users computer
B.Information provided during the initial sign-up for Siebel CRM OnDemand
C.Information provided by the account executive from Siebel
D.There is no information in the company profile before the Administrator updates the profile
Answer: B

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NO.7 By default, how are sales quotas tracked in CRM OnDemand?
A.Quotas are tracked on the Sales Quota Dashboard
B.Quotas are tracked on the My Sales Quota Report
C.Quotas are tracked through automatically generated forecasts
D.Quotas are tracked on the Opportunities screen
Answer: C

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NO.8 Your customer is concerned about the Siebel CRM OnDemand environment performing slowly,
negatively affecting her business. Which of the following can you cite to reassure your customer that
Siebel CRM OnDemand is designed for High Performance? Choose three.
A.Load Balancing
B.Extensive JavaScript usage
C.Redundancy within the hardware and network components
D.Database caching
E.Extensive indexing
Answer: ADE

Oracle study guide   1Z0-610 original questions   1Z0-610   1Z0-610 certification training

NO.9 Siebel CRM OnDemand calculates expected revenue based on the probability associated with the
sales stage and the opportunity revenue. Using the sales stage probabilities below, what is the expected
revenue of a $100,000 opportunity in the Qualified Lead stage?
Qualified Lead = 30%Building Vision = 50%Short List = 70%Negotiation = 90%Closed/Won = 100%
Answer: C

Oracle original questions   1Z0-610   1Z0-610

NO.10 What happens if you do not map every field in your source file during an import?
A.You receive a warning message, but can choose to continue without mapping the non-required fields
B.The Next button on the mapping step does not become active until all fields are mapped
C.You do not receive an alert, but no records will get imported into CRM OnDemand
D.You receive an alert, and cannot continue until all required and non-required fields are mapped
Answer: A

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If you find any quality problems of our 1Z0-610 or you do not pass the exam, we will unconditionally full refund. IT-Tests.com is professional site that providing Oracle 1Z0-610 questions and answers , it covers almost the 1Z0-610 full knowledge points.

