
000-M67 latest IBM certification exam questions and answers published

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Exam Code: 000-M67

Exam Name: IBM (IBM LotusLive Technical Sales Mastery Test V1)

000-M67 (IBM LotusLive Technical Sales Mastery Test V1) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/000-M67.html

NO.1 Which platform(s) can a customer run LotusLive on.?
A. Windows only
B. Windows and Linux
C. Windows, Linux and Mac
D. LotusLive does not run on a platform because it has its own operating system.
Answer: C

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NO.2 Taylor, a paid subscriber to LotusLive Meetings, would like to host a meeting with a customer.
How would Taylor invite his customer (guests)?
A. Taylor can share his meeting URL containing the meeting ID or ask them to visit the LotusLive site and
enter the meeting ID to join. His guest will simply need to enter their name before joining.
B. Taylor customer could not participate in the meeting since they are guests. He would have to record the
meeting and send a link to the video recording.
C. Taylor could share his meeting URL containing the meeting ID, but when the customer click on the link,
they will be prompted to register. Once registered, they can then participate in the meeting.
D. Taylor would have to pay an additional cost for his guest to get registered. Once registration is
complete, they could join the meeting by visiting LotusLive site, authenticating with their credentials and
entering the meeting ID to join.
Answer: A

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NO.3 Tags are a very popular way of searching the content. Bob has emails related to XYZ customer.
How can he tag the emails and use this capability to search it later with LotusLive iNotes?
A. Bob can tag all incoming and outgoing email related to XYZ customer and sort his inbox via tag at a
later time.
B. Bob can right-click on all the emails related to XYZ customer and choose the tag option to find these
emails later in XYZ folder.
C. Tagging email and Tag Searching is not available in LotusLive iNotes.
D. Bob can navigate to iNotes mail, select the tag words, select the related emails and create a rule which
can be used to search at a later time.
Answer: C

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There are different ways to achieve the same purpose, and it's determined by what way you choose. A lot of people want to pass IBM certification 000-M67 exam to let their job and life improve, but people participated in the IBM certification 000-M67 exam all knew that IBM certification 000-M67 exam is not very simple. In order to pass IBM certification 000-M67 exam some people spend a lot of valuable time and effort to prepare, but did not succeed.

