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Exam Code: COG-500
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Cognos 8 Analytic Applications Developer)
COG-500 (IBM Cognos 8 Analytic Applications Developer) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What do you call a single dimension that supports distinct logical uses in a warehouse model?
A. an outrigger dimension
B. a role-playing dimension
C. a self-join dimension
D. a bridge dimension
Answer: B
IBM COG-500 original questions COG-500 COG-500 test answers
NO.2 A warehouse fact object called "CERTIFY" is populated. Which database object would contain the SID
column references to the related dimensions?
Answer: D
IBM COG-500 COG-500
NO.3 In which situation would you use a factless fact.?
A. When numeric measurement values are not always available from the source system.
B. When the target warehouse is fully refreshed on a regular basis with numeric measurement values.
C. When business process events have no natural numeric measurement values.
D. When multi-grain measurement values will be stored on the fact table.
Answer: C
IBM COG-500 COG-500 demo COG-500 practice test
NO.4 What is a purpose of the Adaptive Application Framework (AAF) Runtime version?
A. to execute Adaptive Analytics Reports
B. to execute the Adaptive Warehouse User Interface (UI)
C. to deploy Adaptive Warehouse generated Framework Manager models
D. to execute Adaptive Warehouse (AW) load management scripts
Answer: D
IBM pdf COG-500 questions COG-500 COG-500 exam prep COG-500
NO.5 Which three connectivity types are required by Adaptive Warehouse to operate properly? (Choose
A. a native (RDBMS) connection to the IBM Cognos 8 Content Store
B. a connection to your source data
C. a gateway URI connection to the IBM Cognos BI Server
D. a gateway URI connection to LDAP security services
E. a native (RDBMS) connection to your target warehouse database
Answer: B, C, E
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