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Exam Code: 000-M237
Exam Name: IBM (IBM B2B Integration-Network-Managed File Transfer Sales Mastery Test v1)
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NO.1 The IBM Sterling Collaboration Network archives data for how long at no additional charge?
A. 3 days
B. 35 days
C. 45 days
D. 15 days
Answer: D
IBM 000-M237 certification 000-M237 000-M237 exam prep 000-M237
NO.2 What are the visibility and control characteristics of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator?
A. SQL queries are used to directly access the message database.
B. Long term storage and archiving.
C. Configurable dashboards, EDI / B2B tracking and reporting.
D. Links directly to IBM WebSphere Business Monitor.
Answer: C
IBM test 000-M237 000-M237 000-M237
NO.3 What capabilities are required to optimize your dynamic business network?
A. B2B communications
B. Process automation
C. Community enablement
D. Visibility
E. All of the above.
Answer: D
IBM 000-M237 000-M237 exam dumps 000-M237 exam simulations
NO.4 What is the strategic foundation platform for IBM's B2B software solutions?
A. Connect:Direct
B. WebSphere Transformation Extender
C. IBM Sterling B2B Integrator
D. IBM Sterling Collaboration Network
Answer: C
IBM 000-M237 000-M237
NO.5 Which of the following is NOT a ° m us t hav ¡± capa b ili ty fo r cu st om ers t h a t are a t t em p t i n g to s ol v e t h e i
data movement challenges?
A. Pass tougher security audits.
B. Double their transfer capacity without increasing staff.
C. Cut new connection cycle time in half.
D. Remove the FTP risk.
E. All are ° m us t hav ¡± capa b ilit i e s
Answer: A
IBM certification 000-M237 pdf 000-M237 000-M237 answers real questions
NO.6 What are the 3 primary types of data movement?
A. B2B, A2A, and Batch
B. Batch, B2B, and E-mail
C. Batch, B2B, and Unmanaged
D. B2B, E-mail, and FTP
Answer: C
IBM test 000-M237 000-M237 test 000-M237 exam prep
NO.7 In a customer success story, Kroger reports that they transfer over _______ of data per day using
IBM/Sterling managed file transfer solutions.
A. 500 GB
B. 1 TB
C. 5 TB
D. 10 TB
Answer: B
IBM 000-M237 certification training 000-M237 test questions
NO.8 What type of visibility is available in IBM Sterling B2B Integrator?
A. Configurable dashboards and reports.
B. Detailed visibility of end-to-end business processes.
C. EDI tracking.
D. All of the above.
Answer: B
IBM 000-M237 000-M237
NO.9 What are some tangible business benefits that customers achieve from using Sterling B2B Integrator.?
A. Rapidly develop new sales channels.
B. Cut B2B development and implementation time by up to 75%.
C. Improve visibility of inventory and shipment status across the supply chain.
D. On board smaller partners at minimal cost.
E. All of the above.
Answer: C
IBM 000-M237 000-M237
NO.10 All of the top_____ banks in the world depend upon IBM Sterling Managed File Transfer to secure their
data movement.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 50
D. 100
Answer: B
IBM exam prep 000-M237 000-M237 000-M237
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