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Exam Code: 642-263

Exam Name: Cisco (Implementing the Cisco Unity Connection)

642-263 (Implementing the Cisco Unity Connection) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/642-263.html

NO.1 Which choice most accurately describes the licensing components for Cisco Unity Connection?
A. Users with mailboxes, users with IMAP access to voice message, SpeechView users
B. Port licensing for phone system integration, Unified Messaging
C. End-user licensing based on the number of users for voice mail, IMAP access to voice mail, voice
recognition, Cisco Unity Inbox, LDAP, and email TTS
D. Port licensing and VPIM licensing
Answer: A

Cisco   642-263   642-263 pdf   642-263 questions

NO.2 Which protocol is used to exchange information between VPIM networked voice-mail systems?
Answer: D

Cisco   642-263   642-263   642-263

NO.3 How many phones and mailboxes can be supported with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Business Edition?
A. 225 phones, 250 mailboxes
B. 500 phones, 500 mailboxes
C. 700 phones, 750 mailboxes
D. 1250 phones, 1000 mailboxes
Answer: B

Cisco demo   642-263 certification   642-263 questions   642-263   642-263 practice test

NO.4 Which are the minimum system requirements to install Cisco Unity Connection on a virtual machine.?
A. 1-vCPU, 1-GB vRAM, 80-GB vDisk
B. 2-vCPU, 2-GB vRAM, 160-GB vDisk
C. 4-vCPU, 2-GB vRAM, 2X146-GB vDisk
Answer: B

Cisco   642-263   642-263

NO.5 Which database engine is used in Cisco Unity Connection?
A. PostgreSQL
C. Informix
D. SQL Server
Answer: C

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Cisco 642-263 is a certification exam to test IT expertise and skills. If you find a job in the IT industry, many human resource managers in the interview will reference what Cisco related certification you have. If you have Cisco 642-263 certification, apparently, it can improve your competitiveness.

